Ask Me Anything for Amputees: Full Session • July 19th, 2023

00:00:00 Intro 00:00:00 Introductions 00:01:39 Should I Be Able to Stand On My Prosthesis? 00:05:46 Afraid of Falling Might Be In My Mind 00:07:13 Assistive Devices Are Tools 00:09:26 Try Not To Compare Yourself To Other People 00:10:06 Have You Tried Walking With Your Knee Locked In Place? 00:11:02 Amputee for 6 Years • Walk 4 Miles A Day at 72 Years Old 00:13:28 The Heat Makes My Limb Sweat A Lot 00:14:28 The Underliner • Thin Sheath Moisture Wicking Material 00:17:18 I Pour Sweat Out Of My Prosthesis Out When Walking 00:18:33 I Prefer Suspension Prosthetic System 00:19:26 Other Activities Besides Walking & Hiking 00:19:42 I Damaged One Leg In Water Helping a Guy Who Fell Out Of A Boat 00:21:22 Don't Be Afraid to See a Prosthetist While Traveling 00:22:38 Tricks For Amputees • Get Prosthetic Foot That's Half Size Smaller Than Other Foot 00:23:05 Dealing With Phantom Limb Sensations 00:26:49 Fluctuations In Atmospheric Pressure with Phantom Limb Sensations 00:27:36 Massage Your Limb to Help With Phantom Sensations 00:30:28 How to Get Confident Driving With An Amputation 00:34:52 Awaiting An Amputation As A Diabetic 00:35:17 Forefoot Amputation vs Below Knee Amputation: What's Better? 00:37:28 Can You Feel Sensations In Your Foot? 00:38:31 Better Odds of Healing With Below Knee Amputation 00:40:11 Dave's Amputation Experience 00:44:27 I Had A Stroke In December and Broke My Foot 00:47:21 I Was 10 Years Old When I Got Diabetes 00:51:53 No Matter Which Decision You Make—Be Positive About It 00:52:51 I Was Worried About Getting An Infection 00:55:08 Goals This Summer? 00:56:45 Leg Amputation From Blood Clots 00:58:30 5 Year Mortality Rate for Amputees 00:59:19 How Do You Get Exercise As An Amputee? 01:00:07 Strength Training Program for Amputees 01:01:32 Step Up to 5K Fun Run on August 19th

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