Steve L.

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I lost my leg on October 3, 2016, due to an infection. I went to Dr. Sweda at Genesys Hospital for my amputation, and they referred me to Bremer Prosthetics. 

I came in for my first consultation in January 2017 and was very eager to get started—I could not wait to get back on my feet. 

Ever since day one the staff has been truly amazing, and I have been extremely happy with my services. The people at Bremer go way beyond what I ever expected, and it is always a pleasure to come in! 

I am thankful to be back to having a full range of all 3 levels of my home, working in the yard, gardening, climbing ladders and spending time with my kids and my grandkids. 

Honestly, I hardly notice I even have a prosthesis on anymore and could not be happier to be back to living my “normal” crazy life!

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